August 20, 2011

Getting Ready...

Hey everyone! I decided to start a blog for everyone to have a slight idea of what I am doing while I serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tanzania from October 2011 to December 2013.

My official job title is an Environmental Extension Worker for the program Environmental Education and Sustainable Agriculture in Rural Communities (EESARC).  I will get to work in both schools and with the men and women of agricultural communities, as well as become involved with many secondary projects.  And....I will learn what it is like to live without running water, electricity, and many other luxuries we tend to take for granted.  So for now, I have been enjoying my last couple months of beautiful Southern California weather, hot showers, every variety of food, flushing toilets, the lack of mosquitoes and rodents in my bedroom, and my own car.  I'm starting to get anxious about packing for two years with a baggage limit of 80 lbs! However, I am extremely excited to begin this adventure and hope you will all stay in contact with me via this blog and, more importantly, with lots of letters!  I will post more information soon!
