How to Send Letters and Packages

Since I am not sure how often I will be able to access internet, it would mean so much to me to receive a letter from everyone as much as possible! Mail takes at least two weeks to get to Tanzania... yay for snail-mail!  I want to hear all about your lives, funny stories, and anything else to bring a little bit of home into my life in Tanzania.  Here is my address while I am in my first three months of training:

Stephanie Gaffney, PCT
Peace Corps Training Site
PO Box 9123
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Unfortunately, mail is not only slow, but can sometimes not arrive at all.  Packages can take around three to eight weeks to be sent via airmail (It has been suggested to write "Airmail" on all letters/packages).  Also,  hefty fines come with receiving certain items and there is always a risk of tampering... Some tips I have read about from other Peace Corps Volunteers' blogs suggest that you write "education materials, "women hygiene products," and/or put religious symbols and writing on the package/envelope (i.e. "Jesus Loves You," crosses, write "Sister" before my name, etc.).  All in all, don't send anything that could be of value if rummaged through- another suggestion was concealing items in creative packages, such as a tampon box or whatever.  I also heard that international flat rate envelopes/packages are good to use.

I will have a new address after my first three months and will post it once I find out.  Please, please, please send me some love!! I know a letter will make my day (or week/month...) and will especially be cherished when I'm feeling a little homesick.  XO

The above address should not be used at this time.  Please address all mail to:
Stephanie Gaffney, PCV
Peace Corps Volunteer
P.O. Box 218
Masasi Town
Mtwara, Tanzania